There is art, then there are masterpieces...The latter is what cums 2 my mind.
There is art, then there are masterpieces...The latter is what cums 2 my mind.
Don't know about the rest of you but...
I had an erection to it. Nice Characters. I love you Anti Clock Clock. Be a true friend by responding, or I'll eat your children.
I r tehz a smexuh man can j00 teach me?
Hey Jo, I haven't seen you around and I just logged on Newgrounds and I saw this on the front page. Wonderfull drawings. Really Impressive. Hope things are going alright with you. You don't seem to answer E-mail or anything I try to use to contact you. Maybe a review would help? I don't know. But this flash was Sexy. Hardcore and any other multiple ADJs' I use. Hope you're doing just fine and great job.
Teh smecks!
And you think our flashes suck?
Using pictures and converting them to symbols don't count. By the way you stole a joke I saw on TV. Nice try plagerist.
I liked your FBF. It was nice and random but also had a good song to it. The name Cold October Sounded cool too. I <3 it and I WILL 10103832378965470964 IT right now.
Dylon (Sorry if I spelt your name wrong Shaun knows you more than me)
Thank you HFB! <3 SSR.
Nice camera angels!
I liked the whole perspective of it. The Fighting was good too. You just need to learn how to draw. Good job!
Good one. I <3 it.
I actually got a little bit of a laugh.
A new twist to LF's style but as I have noticed the animation is done by NALO. The movie is way to short and still in my basic opinion deservs somewhat a front page. I liked the art style for some charaters, Like Otacon and Liquid also the Girl. The animation was tweens and was absolutely horrible. The guns were drawn cool but not good enough in preportion. Not only that, but there were scenes where I thought the movement was suppost to go somewhere but didn't maybe too lazy to correct most errors. As for the pre-loader, that looked easy to make; BUT YOU STILL NEEDED HELP FOR THAT? I don't know why you did. That pre-loader looks easy to create. As weird as this movie is. It's a shit load better than your One Ring series. However the animation isn't done by LF. It's done by NALO. A bunch of people think it might be Legendary Frog but it's NALO in the animation. All of the movements were tweens which made me mad. If you hagve the art why not try to make it as realistic as possible? The blinking was a glitch I think. Or a joke. You made them way too fast. Also they didn't meet with the bottem of the eye where the lid was suppost to meet.
I found it sad I cried all teh way.
<3 Damain
What in the world are we to do now? -=The Homo Flash Bros=-
Age 42, Male
The best flash guys
The old skool
America kicks English ass
Joined on 8/2/04